About me
Professor of linguistics, School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University
Hi, I am Qiongpeng Luo (first/given name: Qiongpeng; last/family name: Luo; in Chinese characters: 罗琼鹏 (simplified) or 羅瓊鵬 (traditional)). I am a linguist specializing in formal semantics and semantics-syntax interface with special reference to Mandarin Chinese and other languages in China and East Asia within a cross-linguistic perspective. I studied linguistics at Utrecht University from 2007-2008 (under the supervision of Prof. Martin Everaert and the late Tanya Reinhart) and Peking University, from which I obtained my PhD degree in 2009. After obtaining my doctoral degree, I worked as a post-doc research fellow at Macquarie Center for Cognitive Science of Macquarie University in Sydney from 2009 to 2011 (under Prof. Stephen Crain). Currently I am professor of linguistics at the School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University, China.
Research interests
- Broad: Formal semantics; Semantics-syntax interface; Semantics-pragmatics interface;
- Narrow: (1) Degree and measurement; (2) Semantic incorporation; (3) Expressive meaning; (4) The semantics of kind; (5) Event structure and verbal semantics.
Selected research output in English
- A kind-based account of adjectival modification in Mandarin Chinese. Linguistics and Philosophy. (R&R)
- Degree kinds, difference, and the semantics of Differential Verbal Comparatives in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Semantics. (with minor revision)
- 2023, Degrees and grammar: An East Asian perspective. Language and Linguistics 24(1):5-35. (Co-authored with Zhiguo Xie and Xiao Li; 1/3) (SSCI and A&HCI) Download
- 2022, Bare nouns, incorporation, and event kinds in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 31(2): 221-263. (SSCI and A&HCI) Link or Download
- 2022, The semantics of scalar equatives in Mandarin Chinese. Language and Linguistics 24(1): 121-148.(Co-authored with Y. Cao; Corresponding author) (SSCI and A&HCI) Download
- 2021, Characterizing the simplex vs. complex adjectives in Mandarin Chinese. In P. G. Grosz, L. Marti, H. Pearson, Y. Sudo & S. Zobel (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 25 (SuB 25), 600-617. University College London and Queen Mary University of London. Download
- 2020, The architecture of the perfective viewpoint aspect in Mandarin. Proceedings of Chicago Linguistic Society 56 (CLS 56). The University of Chicago. (Co-aurhoed with Anqi Zhang; 1/2)
- 2019, Degree intensifiers as expressives in Mandarin Chinese. Language and Linguistics 20(2):256-281. (Co-aurhoed with Zhiguo Xie; Corresponding author)(SSCI and A&HCI) Download
- 2019, Equatives are not all equal: A correlative analysis of scalar equatives in Mandarin. In Eszter Ronai, Laura Stigliano and Yenan Sun (eds.), Proceedings of Chicago Linguistic Society 54 (CLS 54), 283-294. The University of Chicago. (Co-authored with Y. Cao)
- 2019, Degrees as nominalized properties: evidence from differential verbal comparatives in Chinese. In Uli Sauerland & Stephanie Solt (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22(2): 89-106. Berlin: Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenshaft (ZAS) (Leibniz Center for General Linguistics). (Co-aurhoted with Zhiguo Xie) Download
- 2017, Pre-classifier adjectival modification in Mandarin Chinese: a measurement-based analysis. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 26(1): 1-36. (Co-aurhoed with M. Hsieh and D. Shi; 1/3) (SSCI and A&HCI) Download
- 2017, When degree meets evaluativity: a multidimensional semantics for the ad-adjectival modifier hao ‘well’ in Mandarin Chinese. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) 10085, 475-492. Springer. Download
- 2011, Identity and definiteness in Chinese wh-conditionals. In Reich Ingo et at. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 15 (SuB 15), 165-179. Saarbrucken, Germany: Saarland University Press. (Co-aurhored with Stephen Crain) Download
- 2011, Mei and dou in Chinese: a tale of two quantifiers. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 9(2):111-158. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6519/TJL.2011.9(2).3
- 2011, Do Chinese wh-conditionals have relatives in other languages?. Language and Linguistics 12(4):753-798. (Co-authored with Stephen Crain) (SSCI and A&HCI) Download
- 2011, Uniqueness and co-variation in Chinese wh-conditionals. In Yukio Otsu (ed.), The Proceedings of the 12th Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics (TCP 12). Tokyo: Hituzi Publishing Company. (Co-authored with Stephen Crain) Download
- 2010, On the typology of wh-conditionals in Chinese. In Yukio Otsu (ed.), The Proceedings of the 11th Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics (TCP 11), 97-120. Tokyo: Hituzi Publishing Company. (Co-authored with Stephen Crain)
- 2008, Functional quantification in distributivity and events: A view from Chinese. In Maribel Romero (ed.), Proceedings of ESSLLI 2008 Workshop ‘What Syntax Feeds Semantics’, 48-59. Germany: Konstanz University.
Domestic publications in Chinese
(CSSCI = China Social Sciences Citation Index)
- 2024, Yuyi ronghe yu hanyu feidianxing binyu jiegou 语义融合与汉语非典型宾语结构 [Semantic incorporation and non-canonical object constructions in Chinese]. Zhongguo Yuwen 中国语文 [Studies of Chinese Language] (3):301-316. (CSSCI) (co-authored with R. Guo, 1/2)
- 2024, Mingci ronghe yu fuza weici de xingcheng 名词融合与复杂谓词的形成 [Noun incorporation and the formation of complex predicates in Chinese]. Hanyu Xuexi 汉语学习 [Chinese Language Learning] (1): 33-42. (CSSCI)
- 2024, Kua yuyan shiyu xia mingci ronghe yanjiu de xianzhuang yu qianzhan 跨语言视阈下名词融合研究的现状与前瞻 [Noun incorporation in a cross-linguistic perspective]. Waiyu Jiaoxue yu Yanjiu 外语教学与研究 [Foreign Language Teaching and Research] (2): 213-225. (CSSCI)
- 2023, Zhuangtai bianhua yu liangji bianhua 状态变化与量级变化 [Change of states and scalar change]. Dangdai Yuyanxue 当代语言学 [Contemporary Linguistics] (6):848-865. (CSSCI)
- 2023, Duoweidu yuyixue shiyuxia fumian lichang biaoda de yiyi jizhi 多维度语义学视阈下负面立场表达的意义机制 [A multidimensional semantic study of negative evaluative meanings: The case of you+ge+NP]. Waiyu Yanjiu 外语研究 [Foreign Languages Research] (1): 23-29. (Co-authored with Y. Cao). (CSSCI)
- 2022, Liangji xiushiyu de yuyong weidu 量级修饰语的语用维度 [Pragmatic aspects of scalar modifiers]. Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue 世界汉语教学 [Chinese Teaching in the World] (4). (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2022, Pubian gongneng jizhu yu hanyu juzi de zizuxing 普遍功能脊柱与汉语句子的自足性 [The Universal Functional Spine and Sentential Completeness Effects in Chinese]. Waiyu Jiaoxue yu Yanjiu 外语教学与研究 [Foreign Language Teaching and Research] 5. (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2022, Zhuangming xiushi jiegou de luoji wenti 专名修饰结构的逻辑问题 [On the logical problem of modified proper names]. Hunan Keji Daxue Xuebao 湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版) [Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology] 2: 35-41. (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2021, Yinghanyu dengjixing xianxiang de yuyi yanjiu 英汉语等级性现象的语义研究[The semantics of gradability in English and Chinese]. Jiefangjun Waiguoyu Xueyuan Xuebao 解放军外国语学院学报 [Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages] 6. (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2021, Dengjixing, liangji jiegou yu “hen+NP” jiegou de yuyi yanjiu 等级性、量级结构与“很+名词”结构的语义分析 [Gradability, scale structure and the semantics of “hen+NP” structure]. Hanyu Xuexi 汉语学习 [Chinese Language Learning] 5: 53-63. (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2020, Cong Liangji dao liangduan: gen “hai” youguan de jizhong yongfa deyuyi fenxi 从量级到量段——跟“还”有关的几种用法的语义分析 [A scale segment-based semantics for
Mandarin adverb hai]. Yuyan Kexue 语言科学 [Language Sciences] (6): 592-609. (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2019, Yuyixue yu xingtai jufa bianyi: yi yinghanyu liangji dengbiju weili 语义学与形态句法变异:以英汉语量级等比句为例 [Semantics and morpho-syntactic variation: The case of scalar equatives in Mandarin and English]. Waiguoyu 外国语 [Journal of Foreign Languages] 3: 47-59. (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2019, Kua yuyan shijiao xia celiang jizhun de fenlie yu celiang jiegou de shengcheng 跨语言视角下测量基准的分裂与测量结构的生成 [The split of measurement standards and the derivation of measurement constructions: A cross-linguistic perspective]. Waiyu Jiaoxue yu Yanjiu 外语教学与研究 [Foreign Language Teaching and Research] (1). (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2019, Duo zai shuliang jiegou zhong de fenbu yu yuyi jieshi – jian tan celiang de jizhi “多”在数量结构中的分布与语义解释——兼谈测量的机制 [The distribution and interpretation of duo in quantity expressions and the grammar of measurement]. Yuyan Kexue 语言科学 [Language Sciences] 1: 13-26. (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2018, Liangji jiegou yu hanyu xingrongci de jixing duili wenti 量级结构与汉语形容词的极性对立问题 [Scale structure and the polarity opposition of adjectives in Chinese] Yuyan Yanjiu 语言研究 [Studies in Language and Linguistics] 2: 24-31. (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2018, Dengjixing, liangji jiegou yu hanyu xingzhi xingrongci fenlei 等级性、量级结构与汉语性质形容词分类 [Gradability, scale structure, and the classification of simple adjectives in Chinese]. Hanyu Xuexi 汉语学习 [Chinese Language Learning] 1: 27-38. (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2017, Xiandai hanyu mingliang jiegou de liangzhong celiang yi 现代汉语名量结构的两种测量义 [Two types of measurements of the measure phrases in Chinese] Yuyan Jiaoxue yu Yanjiu 语言教学与研究 [Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies] 6: 82-91. (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2017, Yiyi de duoweixing yu duoweidu yuyixue 意义的多维性与多维度语义学 [The multidimensionality of meaning and multidimensional semantics]. Waiguoyu 外国语 [Journal of Foreign Languages] 5: 11-20.(CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2017, Hanyu bi zi bijiaoju de jufa he yuyi wenti 汉语“比”字比较句的句法和语义问题 [The syntax and semantics of Mandarin bi comparatives]. Xiandai Waiyu 现代外语 [Modern Foreign Languages] 3: 324-335. (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2017, Hanyu mingci de chengdu yu dengjixing 汉语名词的程度与等级性 [Degree and gradability in the nominal domain of Chinese]. Yuyanxue Yanjiu 语言学研究 [Linguistic Research], vol. 21, 97-109. (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2017, Chengdu yuyixue shijiaoxia de yinghanyu bijiao jiegou yanjiu 程度语义学视角下的英汉语比较结构研究 [The syntax and semantics of comparison constructions in English and Chinese in a degree-based perspective]. Tianjin Waiguoyu Daxue Xuebao 天津外国语大学学报 [Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University] 3: 30-38. CNKI Link
- 2016, Chengdu, liangji yu xingrongci “zhen” he “jia” de yuyi 程度,量级与形容词“真”和“假”的语义 [Degree, scale and the semantics of zhen ‘true’ and jia ‘false’]. Yuyan Yanjiu 语言研究 [Studies in Language and Linguistics] 2: 94-100. (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2016, You “da” wu “xiao”de “da+NP’ jiegou 有“大”无“小”的“大+NP”结构 [Gradable nouns and the degree interpretations of “Da ‘big’ +NP” constructions]. Hanyu Xuexi 汉语学习 [Chinese Language Learning] 3: 43-52. (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2016, Pipeixing yu “dou” dui shijian de lianghua 匹配性与“都”对事件的量化 [Matching Effects in Dou’s quantification over events]. Jiefangjun Waiguoyu Xueyuan Xuebao 解放军外国语学院学报 [Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages] 4: 58-66. (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2009, Fushu mingci duanyu de zhichen yu “dou” lianghua 复数名词短语的指称与“都”量化 [The reference of plural NPs and dou-quantification]. In: Hanyu de Xingshi yu Gongneng Yanjiu 汉语的形式与功能研究 [The Form and Function of Chinese] (eds. by Gong Cheng and Danqing Liu), pp. 92-109. Beijing: Shangwu Yinshuguan 北京:商务印书馆 [Beijing: The Commercial Press].
- 2008, “lian” de qiangdiao yu fouding jixing: Putonghua he xiangyu de bijiao “连”的强调与否定极性:普通话和湘语的比较 [On the emphatic and negative polarity uses of lian ‘even’: comparison between Mandarin and Xiang dialect]. Hanzangyu Xuebao 汉藏语学报 [Journal of Sino-Tibetan Linguistics] 2: 124-134.
- 2007, Maixiang yuanzexing jieshi de yuyan lilun: Zuijian fangan de zuixin jinzhan 迈向原则性解释的语言理论:最简方案最新进展 [Towards a linguistic theory with explanatory adequacy: the recent advances of Minimalist Program]. Yuyanxue Yanjiu 语言学研究 [Linguistic Research], vol. 6, pp. 8-12.
- 2006, “dou” lianghua yu “liang…dou” jiegou “都”量化与“连…都”结构 [Dou-quantification and the “lian…dou” construction]. Yuyanxue Luncong 语言学论丛 [Essays on Linguistics], vol. 34, pp. 243-265. (CSSCI)
- 2005, Fujici de jiduan minganxing ji yunzhun tiaojian yanjiu 负极词的极端敏感性及允准条件研究 [On the polarity sensitivity and licensing conditions of negative polarity items]. Waiyu yu Waiyu Jiaoxue 外语与外语教学 [Foreign Languages and Their Teaching] 4: 8-13. (CSSCI) CNKI Link
- 2005,Shi de jufa yuyi shuxing yanjiu “是”的句法语义属性研究 [Syntactic properties of Mandarin SHI]. Waiyu Jiaoxue yu Yanjiu 外语教学与研究 [Foreign Language Teaching and Research] 3:192-198. (CSSCI) CNKI Link
Selected presentations at refereed conferences
- 2023, Semantic incorporation and non-canonical object constructions in Chinese. Oral presentation at West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 41 (WCCFL 41). May 5-7, 2023. University of California at Santa Cruz.
- 2022, Bare nouns, incorporation, and event kinds in Mandarin Chinese. Paper presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of Linguistic Society of America. Jan. 5-10, 2022. Washington D. C.
- 2020, Characterizing the simplex vs. complex adjectives in Mandarin Chinese. Paper presented at Sinn und Bedeutung 25 (SuB 25). September 7-10, 2020. University College London and Queen Mary University of London.
- 2020, The architecture of the perfective viewpoint aspect in Mandarin. Paper presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of Chicago Linguistic Society 56 (CLS 56). April 26-29, 2020. The University of Chicago. (Co-authored with Anqi Zhang, 1/2)
- 2019, Reference to subkinds and the puzzle of the de/less modification in Mandarin Chinese. Poster presented at the 12th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics (TEAL-12). July 9-10, 2019. Univesity of Macau. (Co-authored with Thomas Grano)
- 2018,Equatives are not all equal: A correlative analysis of scalar equatives in Mandarin Chinese. Poster presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 54). April 26-28, 2018. Chicago: The University of Chicago. (Co-authored with Yuzhen Cao, 1/2)
- 2017,Degrees as nominalized properties: Evidence from differential verbal comparatives in Mandarin Chinese. Paper presented at Sinn und Beudeutung 22 (SuB 22). Sept. 10-12, 2017. Berlin/Potsdam: ZAS & University of Potsdam. (Co-authored with Zhiguo Xie, 1/2)
- 2015,A degree-based analysis of the differential verbal comparatives in Chinese. Paper presented at the 10th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics (TEAL-10). June 13-14, 2015. Tokyo: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. (Co-authored with Zhiguo Xie and Miao-Ling Hsieh, 1/3)
- 2011,Uniqueness and co-variation in Chinese wh-conditionals. Paper selected for presentation at the 21st Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT 21). May 20-22, 2011. New Brunswick: Rutgers University. (Co-authored with Stephen Crain) (Withdrawn)
- 2010,Identity and definiteness in Chinese wh-conditionals. Paper presented at Sinn und Bedeutung 15 (SuB 15). Sept. 9-12, 2010. Saarbrucken, Germany: Saarland University. (Co-authored with Stephen Crain, 1/2)
- 2011,Uniqueness and co-variation in Chinese wh-conditionals. Paper presented at the 12th Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics (TCP 12). March 2011. Tokyo: Keio University. (Co-authored with Stephen Crain, 1/2)
- 2010,On the typology of wh-conditionals in Chinese. Paper presented at the 11th Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics (TCP 11). January 2010. Tokyo: Keio University. (Co-authored with Stephen Crain, 1/2)
- 2009,A semantic topography for distributivity in Chinese. Paper presented at the 7th Generative Linguistics in the Old World in Asian Conference (GLOW in Asia 7). February 25-28, 2009. Hyderabad, India: English and Foreign Languages University.
- 2009,A semantic topography for distributivity in Chinese and its implications. Paper accepted for presentation at the 32nd Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW 32). April 15-18, 2009. Nantes: Nantes University. (Withdrawn)
- 2008,A new name for some old distributity in Chinese and its implications. Paper accepted as an alternate for presentation at the 34th Annual Conference of Berkeley Linguistic Society (BLS 34). February, 2008. University of California at Berkeley. (Withdrawn)
- 2008,Functional quantification in distributivity and events: A view from Chinese. Paper presented at ESSLLI 2008 Workshop “What Syntax Feeds Semantics”. July 2008. Hamburg, Germany: Hambug University.
Monographs and editied volumes
- Chengdu Yuyixue yu Hanyu Yufa Yanjiu [Degree Semantics and the Grammar of Modern Chinese]. Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2022. ISBN:9787305261725. [In Chinese] JD Link
- Xiandai Hanyu zhong de Fenpei Lianghua [A Formal Semantic Study on Distributivity in Modern Chinese]. Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2021. [In Chinese] Amazon link
- Yuyanxue [An Introduction to Linguistics]. Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2019. (Co-authored with Xinjia Peng) [In Chinese] Amazon Link
- The grammar of measurement in Chinese, special issue of Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 2014, 12(2). (Co-edited with Miao-Ling Hsieh) Link
Selected research grants (as PI)
- 2022-2025, ‘Noun incorporation in a cross-linguistic perspective,” Major project of Philosophy and Social Science Research in Colleges and Universities of Jiangsu Province. (Amount: 100, 000 RMB)
- 2022-2025, “Studies on Theories of Kinds,” Jiangsu Provincial Social Sciences Fund. (Amount: 50, 000 RMB)
- 2020-present, Hanyu Yuyi Yanjiu yu Mianxiang Xinshidai de Hanyu Yufa Lilun Chuangxin [The semantics of Chinese and theoretical innovations of the grammar of modern Chinese towards a new era], “Double First-class” Project for Research in Humanities, Nanjing University. (Amount: 400,000 RMB)
- 2016-2021, Chengdu Yuyixue yu Hanyu Jichaxing Xianxiang Yanjiu [Degrees Semantics and gradability in Chinese], The National Social Science Fund of China (NSSFC). (Grant #: 16BYY006; Amount: 200,000 RMB) (Completed with the evaluation of “Excellence”)
- 2012-2017, Hanyu Guanggan Tiaojianshi de Yuyi jiqi Leixingxue Qifa [The semantics of wh-conditionals in Mandarin Chinese and its typological implications], Humanities and Social Sciences Research Grant of the Ministry of Education, China (Grant #: 12YJC740074) (Amount: 70, 000 RMB)
- 2012-2016, Scientific Research Foundation for Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars of the Ministry of Education, China. (Amount: 15, 000 RMB)
Professional & Academic services
- 2017-2021, Director of the Program of Linguistics, School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University
- 2018-present, Program Committee member of Sinn und Bedeutung
- 2010-present, Reviewer for the journals such as Natural Language and Linguistic Theory,linguistics, Journal of East Asian Linguistics, Lingua, Language and Linguistics, etc.
- 2012-present, Founder of the conference Syntax and Semantics in China (SSiC)
- 2019, Convener of the Conference Degrees and Grammar: An East Asian Perspective (DeG 2019), March 16-18, 2019, Nanjing University. (Co-organized with Zhiguo Xie and Xiao Li)
- An Introduction to Linguistics (undergraduate)
- Semantics (undergraduate)
- Advanced Semantics (postgraduate)
- The Syntax of Chinese (postgraduate)
- Topics in Chinese Semantics (postgraduate)
- Mathematical Methods in Linguistics (undergraduate & postgraduate)
Graduate student supervision
- I have obtained the qualification to supervise doctoral students in linguistics.
- Prospective students (towards an MPhil or PhD degree) interested in Chinese linguistics, in particular in semantics, syntax and semantics-syntax-pragmatics interface, are encouraged to send me emails for further details.
Language skills
- Chinese (native); English (fluent); French (basic); German (basic reading)
Program of Linguistics, School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University (Xianlin Campus), Nanjing 210023, China
E-mail: qpluo@nju.edu.cn